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How Long Does Glute Tendinopathy Take to Heal?

how long does glute tendinopathy take to heal

As we go about our day, we rely on our glutes or buttocks muscles to help us move around, sit, stand or get up from a chair. However, we don’t realize how much we use these muscles unless we experience pain or discomfort. One common condition of the glutes is called tendinopathy, which is a result of degeneration, overuse, or trauma. But, how long does it take to recover from glute tendinopathy? In this blog post, we will explore the various factors that impact the healing process and what you can expect as you recovery from this condition.

Underlying Health Conditions: If you have an underlying health condition, such as diabetes or osteoarthritis, it can slow down the healing process of your glute tendinopathy. Additionally, if you have been on long-term medications that weaken your bones or muscles, it can also affect your recovery. In general, people who have good health, nutrition, and exercise habits tend to heal faster than others.

Severity of the Condition: The extent of degeneration or inflammation in your glute muscles also plays a role in determining how long it takes for you to recover. If you have a minor strain, it may take a few weeks to heal with rest, ice, compression, and physiotherapy. However, if you have a chronic or severe tendinopathy, it may take several months or even years to heal, with additional treatments such as corticosteroid injections or surgery.

Age and Lifestyle Factors: Age is another factor that may impact your healing time. Older adults may experience slower healing due to weakened tissues, blood flow, and hormonal changes. Additionally, people who have sedentary lifestyles or engage in repetitive movements that put pressure on their glute muscles may experience slower healing. This is because the muscles require ample rest, nutrients, and movement to regenerate effectively. Therefore, incorporating a balanced exercise routine and healthy lifestyle habits can help you recover faster.

Treatment Options: The type of treatment or therapy you receive for your glute tendinopathy can also affect your healing time. While rest and ice may help reduce pain and inflammation, they may not be enough to address the underlying issue. Therefore, getting a proper diagnosis and having a personalized treatment plan with your chiropractic doctor or physiotherapist can help reduce your healing time. Some common treatments for glute tendinopathy include targeted stretching, strengthening exercises, dry needling, shockwave therapy, or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections.

Consistency and Follow-Up: Lastly, the consistency of your therapy and follow-up care can impact your healing time. If you miss appointments, skip exercises, or don’t follow your doctor’s advice, it can slow down the recovery process. Therefore, creating a plan with your healthcare provider and sticking to it can help you get back to your routine faster.

Dealing with glute tendinopathy can be challenging, especially when it affects your daily activities or athletic performance. However, knowing what to expect during the healing process can help you stay motivated and focused on your recovery goals. Remember that some factors are beyond your control, such as age or underlying conditions, while others can be improved, such as your lifestyle habits and consistent treatment. Therefore, consulting with your chiropractic doctor or physiotherapist can be helpful in determining the best course of action for your individual needs. With proper care and patience, you can heal from glute tendinopathy and get back to the activities you love.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC or another Kitchener chiropractor at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC

Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC

Chiropractor, Clinic Director
Dr. Tyler Baron is a Chiropractic Doctor at CARESPACE Health+Wellness in Waterloo, Ontario. Dr. Baron takes a functional approach to care, utilizing his background in kinesiology, and advanced knowledge of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS), and Athletic Movement Assessment (AMA). He has also received certifications in advanced manual techniques including Contemporary Medical Acupuncture and Active Release Therapy (ART).

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