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Does Fascial Stretch Therapy Hurt?

Does Fascial Stretch Therapy Hurt?

Facial Stretch Therapy (FST) is an increasingly popular form of stretching that is used to rehabilitate and rejuvenate the body’s muscles and joints. This advanced form of stretching has been used to help people address a wide range of problems – from neck and shoulder pain to sciatica, chronic headaches, and even depression. Most people who are considering FST are generally curious about whether the treatment is painful. In this blog post, we will investigate whether FST hurts.

To be honest, the answer is a little complex. The sensation that a person feels depending upon the practitioner’s skills and the part of the body that is being stretched. However, FST is a therapeutic approach that should be as gentle as possible, ensuring that it is pain-free to the person receiving the treatment. The stretching techniques used are designed to enhance the mobility, flexibility, and range of motion that these joints have. That said, like any type of physiotherapy, there may be some discomfort for the first time, but your practitioner should be able to work around this without causing any physical damage.

If you have experience stretching, get ready for an entirely different feeling as you’ll be shown how a professional stretch can help elongate your muscles. Receiving FST is not akin to deep-tissue massage, chiropractic treatment, or any other type of bodywork that is designed to alleviate particular types of muscular pain. At some points, your body might start to tense up, and the treatment might become somewhat uncomfortable. However, a good practitioner should be trained enough to read your body’s signals and keep the treatment within your comfort level.

FST is a hands-on treatment, although, you do not need to worry about being in pain. Registered Kinesiologists (RK) are highly qualified professionals who have gone through extensive training in stretching techniques, mobility, rehabilitation, and injury prevention. FST is a method that they have developed to be as low-impact as possible while still offering maximum benefits. The stretches are gradual, and the practitioner should work with you to ensure that you are comfortable throughout the process.

If you are worried about experiencing pain during FST treatment, then you should talk to your practitioner about your concerns. Your practitioner should be trained to work with you to determine the ideal pressure level for you and make adjustments as necessary. In this way, you’ll benefit from the treatment both in terms of flexibility and mobility, and, crucially, without any pain.

In conclusion, it is incorrect to state definitively that FST is either painful or pain-free, as every person’s experience, anatomy, and response to treatment are unique. FST has proven to have a wide range of benefits, including injury and pain prevention, increased flexibility, and improved body alignment. With the guidance of a good practitioner, FST can and should be customized to be as comfortable as possible. If you are curious about trying FST but are concerned about whether it will be painful, you need not worry. Reach out to a licensed kinesiologist and let them ease your mind with their wealth of expertise and experience.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Ashley Payne, Kinesiologist/Fitness Trainer, or another Kitchener Kinesiologist at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Ashley Payne

Ashley Payne

An experienced Kinesiologist, Ashley brings lots of passion as well as drive to help you achieve your goals and beyond. She believes in a ‘whole body and mind’ approach when developing a therapy plan/exercise program. Client education and understanding is key to long term success. Ashley’s background in a variety of sports including snowboarding and weightlifting sparked her interest to complete both a diploma of Fitness and Health Promotion as well as her Bachelors in Health Sciences majoring in Kinesiology. Since finishing her degree, she has continued completing courses to provide the best course of treatment to her clients as possible. Ashley has completed her cupping, IASTM, external pelvic health course and is certified in Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST).

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