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When is Wrist Strain Serious?

When is Wrist Strain Serious?

Wrist strain is a common condition that affects many people, especially those who spend long hours typing on a computer, using a mouse or engaging in activities that require repetitive motions of the wrist. While most cases of wrist strain are mild and can be treated at home, some can be more serious and require professional intervention. As a chiropractor and physiotherapist, I have worked with many patients with wrist strain and have seen the impact it can have on a person’s daily life. In this blog post, I will discuss the signs and symptoms of a wrist strain, when it becomes serious, and how chiropractic and physiotherapy can help.

Understand the Signs and Symptoms of Wrist Strain

Wrist strain is a type of injury that affects the tendons, muscles, and ligaments that support the wrist joint. Some of the most common symptoms of wrist strain include pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited range of motion. You may also experience a tingling sensation, weakness, or numbness in the affected area. In most cases, the pain and discomfort of wrist strain can be managed with rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relief medication.

When to Seek Professional Help

While mild cases of wrist strain can be treated at home, more severe cases may require professional treatment. If you experience severe pain, swelling or difficulty in moving the wrist, it is important to seek medical attention right away. Additionally, if your wrist strain symptoms persist despite home remedies, you may need to visit a chiropractor or physiotherapist for a professional evaluation.

How Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Can Help

Chiropractic and physiotherapy treatments can help to alleviate the symptoms of wrist strain, as well as address the underlying cause of the injury. Chiropractic treatments may include spinal adjustments to restore proper alignment and improve nerve flow, which can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Physiotherapy treatments may include manual therapy, stretches and strengthening exercises. These treatments can not only relieve pain but also help to prevent future injuries.

Prevention is Key

To prevent wrist strain, it is important to take regular breaks from activities that put repetitive stress on the wrist. Stretching the wrist before engaging in activities such as typing or playing a musical instrument can also help to prevent strain. Additionally, maintaining good posture while sitting and avoiding holding the wrist in a bent or awkward position for prolonged periods of time can help to prevent wrist strain.

When to Return to Normal Activities

If you have suffered from a wrist strain, it is important to gradually return to normal activities after you have healed. It is important to listen to your body and avoid overexerting the wrist. Your chiropractor or physiotherapist can provide you with guidance on how to safely get back to your regular activities.

While wrist strain is a common injury, it is important to recognize when it may be more serious and requires professional intervention. Chiropractic and physiotherapy can be effective treatments for wrist strain, but prevention is always the best form of defense. By taking regular breaks, stretching, maintaining good posture, and avoiding prolonged repetitive motions of the wrist, you can reduce your risk of developing wrist strain. If you do experience symptoms of wrist strain, seek professional medical attention to get on the road to recovery.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Sakshi Rupani, BPT, PT, or another physiotherapy practitioner at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Sakshi Rupani, BPT, PT

Sakshi Rupani, BPT, PT

Sakshi Rupani is an experienced, highly skilled, and compassionate Registered Physiotherapist. Her motivation for choosing physiotherapy as her profession is deeply rooted in her desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives. Witnessing her patients achieve improved health, happiness, and the ability to live life to the fullest brings her genuine fulfillment. Her expertise spans a wide spectrum of rehabilitation, encompassing acute and chronic injuries, post-surgical rehab, neurological conditions, pediatrics, etc. Sakshi has undergone extensive training, completing courses in dry needling, and pelvic floor therapy, allowing her to treat a diverse range of conditions.

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