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The Ultimate Guide to Treating AC Joint Strains

The Ultimate Guide to Treating AC Joint Strains

If you have been experiencing pain in your shoulder, it could be due to an AC joint strain. This is a common injury that can happen to anyone, especially athletes and people who engage in physical activities that involve overhead movements. AC joint strains can be very uncomfortable and even debilitating which is why understanding the best treatment options is important. In this blog post, we will explore the most effective treatments for AC joint strains and how to prevent future injuries.

AC joint strains occur when the ligaments surrounding the acromioclavicular (AC) joint are stretched or torn. This joint connects your shoulder blade to your collarbone. When injured, AC joint strains can cause pain, swelling, and limited mobility. To effectively treat this injury, you need to understand the severity of your strain. There are three grades of AC joint strains:
Grade 1: This is the mildest form of AC joint strain where the ligaments are stretched but not torn. There may be mild pain and tenderness, but there is no loss of mobility.
Grade 2: This is a partial tear of the ligaments, which causes moderate pain and swelling. There may also be some loss of mobility.
Grade 3: This is a complete tear of the ligaments, which causes severe pain and swelling. There is a significant loss of mobility, and the shoulder may feel unstable.

How to Treat AC Joint Strains

If you’re struggling with an AC joint strain, it can be frustrating and painful. Fortunately, there are different treatment options available that can help alleviate your discomfort. Chiropractors help treat this condition by manipulating the spine and adjusting the affected area. If you’re looking for something a little more hands-on, massage can be an effective treatment for AC joint strains as well. Physiotherapy is another option that can help address the underlying issues causing your AC joint strain through exercises and stretches tailored to your needs. Each of these treatments can help you get back to your normal routine and reduce your pain – it’s just a matter of finding the right one for you.

How to Relieve Pain from AC Joint Strains

AC joint strains, a common injury among active individuals, can cause significant pain and discomfort. Fortunately there are several ways to relieve the pain associated with this type of injury. Chiropractic doctors, for example, often use adjustments and manipulations to improve joint function and reduce pain. Massage is another effective approach for alleviating discomfort by increasing blood flow and releasing tense muscles. Physio is also highly recommended for addressing AC joint strains, as it can help to improve the range of motion and strengthen the joint. With these options, individuals suffering from AC joint strains can find relief and get back to their active lifestyles.

Who Should I See for AC Joint Strains?

If you are experiencing AC joint strain, it’s important to seek the right medical professional to treat your injury. While there are different options available for treatment, chiropractors, registered massage therapists (RMT) and physiotherapists are among the best professionals to turn to. A chiropractor is trained to address joint, nerve, and soft tissue problems, which makes them well-suited to treat AC joint strains. Massage can help reduce inflammation and improve circulation around the injured area. A physiotherapist can also provide effective treatment option as it can help improve mobility and strength around the joint. Ultimately the best choice for treatment will depend on the severity of the injury and the preferences of the individual. If you’re unsure of which option to choose, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor.

Top 5 Tips to Relieve Pain from AC Joint Strains

If you’re experiencing pain from an AC joint strain, here are five tips to help relieve the discomfort:
1. Rest and limit shoulder movement: Give your AC joint sufficient rest by avoiding activities that worsen the pain or strain the joint. Restrict movement of the affected shoulder to allow for healing.
2. Apply ice treatment: Applying ice to the injured area can help reduce pain and inflammation. Use an ice pack or wrap ice in a thin cloth and apply it to the AC joint for about 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day. Take breaks between sessions to prevent ice burn.
3. Take over-the-counter pain medication: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.
4. Shoulder immobilization: Immobilize the shoulder joint with a sling or brace to limit movement and provide support to the AC joint. This can help relieve pain and prevent further strain on the injured joint.
5. Gentle range-of-motion exercises: Once pain and inflammation subside, perform gentle range-of-motion exercises recommended by a healthcare professional or physiotherapist. These exercises help improve flexibility and maintain joint mobility without exacerbating the pain.

It’s important to note that while these tips can provide relief from pain, they do not substitute for proper medical evaluation and treatment. If the pain persists or worsens, it’s crucial to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

10 Best Ways to Treat AC Joint Strains

1. Rest and limited shoulder movement: Give your AC joint sufficient rest by avoiding activities that worsen the pain or strain the joint. Restrict movement of the affected shoulder to allow for healing.
2. Ice treatment: Apply ice to the injured area to reduce pain and inflammation. Use an ice pack or wrap ice in a thin cloth, applying it for 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day. Take breaks between sessions to prevent ice burn.
3. Pain medication: Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.
4. Shoulder immobilization: Immobilize the shoulder joint with a sling or brace to limit movement and provide support to the AC joint. This can help relieve pain and prevent further strain on the injured joint.
5. Physiotherapy: Engage in a structured physiotherapy program designed to restore strength, stability, and range of motion in the shoulder joint. A physiotherapist can provide targeted exercises, manual treatment, and other modalities to aid in the healing process.
6. Massage: Seek the expertise of a RMT experienced in treating shoulder injuries and conditions. Massage can help reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, and alleviate pain in the AC joint area.
7. Chiropractic care: Chiropractors can utilize various techniques, such as joint manipulation, mobilization, soft tissue treatment, and rehabilitative exercises, to address imbalances, optimize alignment, and support the healing process of the AC joint.
8. Heat Treatment: Once the initial acute phase has passed, applying heat to the AC joint can help relax muscles, improve blood circulation, and reduce stiffness. Use a heating pad or warm towel for about 15-20 minutes at a time, a few times a day.
9. Range-of-motion exercises: Gradually introduce gentle range-of-motion exercises recommended by a healthcare professional or physiotherapist to improve flexibility and prevent joint stiffness.
10. Gradual return to activity: Once pain and inflammation subside, work with a healthcare professional or physiotherapist to develop a gradual return-to-activity plan. This plan ensures a progressive increase in exercise intensity while monitoring the AC joint’s response.

Remember, AC joint strains can vary in severity, and treatment should be tailored to your specific condition. It’s important to consult with healthcare professionals, such as physiotherapists, chiropractors, or RMTs, who specialize in treating shoulder injuries. They can provide personalized care and guidance throughout your recovery process.

Preventing AC joint strains is also important, especially if you are involved in physical activities that increase your risk of injury. To prevent AC joint strains, always warm up before exercise and use proper techniques when lifting heavy objects or engaging in overhead movements. It is also important to wear protective gear, when necessary, especially during contact sports.

AC joint strains can be painful and limit your daily activities, but with proper treatment, you can effectively manage the injury and prevent future strains. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, be sure to seek medical attention and understand the severity of your injury. From there, you can choose the best treatment option and work with your doctor or physiotherapist to get back to your normal activities. Remember to take preventative measures to protect yourself from future injuries.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Sam Heslip, RMT, or another Kitchener RMT at CARESPACE.We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Sam Heslip, BSc (Hons), RMT

Sam Heslip, BSc (Hons), RMT

Massage Therapist
Sam completed an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Kinetics from the University of Guelph before furthering his knowledge of the human body at Mohawk College where he graduated from the Massage program. Sam is trained in a variety of massage techniques including general Swedish massage, joint mobilizations, and myofascial release. Sam strives to help people reach their health goals. Whether you are recovering from injury, dealing with stress, pain or discomfort, Sam will get you back to feeling your best.

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