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How to Treat Long Head Biceps Tendinopathy

How To Treat Long Head Biceps Tendinopathy - How to Treat Long Head Biceps Tendinopathy

Long head biceps tendinopathy is a common shoulder condition that affects the biceps tendon. It occurs when the tendon is damaged or injured due to repetitive movements, sports activities or trauma. The pain and discomfort can affect your daily activities, work and sleep quality. If you have been diagnosed with long head biceps tendinopathy rest assured that there are effective treatment options available to help manage your symptoms. In this blog post, we will discuss how chiropractic and physiotherapy care can help treat long head biceps tendinopathy.

Chiropractic Care for Long Head Biceps Tendinopathy

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive treatment option that uses manual adjustments to help improve joint mobility, reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. If you have long head biceps tendinopathy a chiropractor may perform gentle adjustments to your shoulder joint, neck and upper back to help reduce the pressure on the affected tendon. Additionally, a chiropractor may recommend soft tissue treatments, such as massage to help improve blood circulation and loosen tight muscles. By reducing tension in the shoulder and neck areas, chiropractic care can help improve your range of motion and reduce pain and discomfort.

Physiotherapy Care for Long Head Biceps Tendinopathy

Physiotherapy is another effective treatment option for long head biceps tendinopathy. A physiotherapist can assess your condition and develop a personalized exercise program to help you strengthen the muscles around the affected tendon. Exercises may include shoulder and arm strengthening exercises, stretching exercises, and range of motion exercises. Additionally, a physiotherapist may recommend hot and cold, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation to help reduce pain and inflammation.

Combination of Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Care for Long Head Biceps Tendinopathy

A combination of chiropractic and physiotherapy care can be particularly effective in treating long head biceps tendinopathy. By addressing both joint and muscle issues, these two modalities can help reduce pain and discomfort, improve range of motion, and prevent further injury. A chiropractor and physiotherapist can work together to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Home Care for Long Head Biceps Tendinopathy

In addition to professional care, you can also take steps to manage your long head biceps tendinopathy at home. Resting the affected area, applying ice packs, and avoiding repetitive overhead arm movements can help reduce pain and inflammation. Gentle stretching exercises and range of motion exercises can also be done at home. Additionally, taking nutritional supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C may help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If your long head biceps tendinopathy symptoms do not improve with chiropractic and physiotherapy care or home care, it may be necessary to seek medical attention. Your doctor may recommend imaging tests such as X-rays or MRI to assess the severity of the injury. In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to repair a damaged tendon.

Chiropractic and physiotherapy care can be an effective treatment option for long head biceps tendinopathy. By reducing pain and inflammation, improving range of motion, and strengthening muscles, these modalities can help you return to your daily activities and sports without pain and discomfort. If you are suffering from long head biceps tendinopathy, consider seeking professional care from a chiropractor, physiotherapist, or both. Be sure to take steps to manage your condition at home, and seek medical attention if your symptoms do not improve. With the right care and management, you can improve your quality of life and enjoy an active and pain-free lifestyle.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC, or another Kitchener chiropractor at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC

Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC

Chiropractor, Clinic Director
Dr. Tyler Baron is a Chiropractic Doctor at CARESPACE Health+Wellness in Waterloo, Ontario. Dr. Baron takes a functional approach to care, utilizing his background in kinesiology, and advanced knowledge of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS), and Athletic Movement Assessment (AMA). He has also received certifications in advanced manual techniques including Contemporary Medical Acupuncture and Active Release Therapy (ART).

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