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How Do You Stop Lateral Ankle Sprains from Progressing?

How Do You Stop Lateral Ankle Sprains from Progressing?

Lateral ankle sprains are one of the most common types of ankle injuries and can happen to anyone. The lateral ankle joint is made up of ligaments and tendons that attach the bones together. If one of these ligaments gets stretched too far, it can result in a sprain. The severity of the sprain determines the course of treatment and recovery time. However, it’s essential to take preventive measures to avoid the sprain from worsening. In this blog, we will look at some of the steps to stop a lateral ankle sprain from progressing.

Get a diagnosis from a physiotherapist

If you suffer from ankle pain or a sprain, it’s essential to get it diagnosed by a physiotherapist. Do not try to self-diagnose as it can worsen your condition. A physiotherapist will evaluate the extent of your injury and develop an individualized treatment plan. They may also teach you exercises to keep your ankle mobile and help reduce your symptoms.

RICE technique

The RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) technique is a simple but powerful way to treat acute injuries. Rest is essential when you have an ankle sprain. You should avoid any activity that causes pain. Applying ice packs for 20 minutes every three to four hours, using a compression bandage, and keeping the ankle elevated above the heart level can help reduce swelling.

Chiropractor treatment

Chiropractors are doctors who specialize in treating musculoskeletal problems. They can manipulate your ankle joint and other joints in the body to help reduce pain. They can also introduce exercises to help strengthen the area surrounding the ankle joint, which can help prevent further injuries.

Footwear and bracing

Wearing proper footwear is essential to support your feet and ankles. Shoes that are too tight or loose can cause problems and increase the risk of sprains. Bracing is also an option that can help stabilize your ankle during physical activity and reduce your pain.

Rehabilitation exercises

Rehabilitation exercises prescribed by your physiotherapist or chiropractor can help your body recover from an ankle sprain. The exercises aim to improve your range of motion, strength, and flexibility. You will learn how to move your ankle joint correctly and avoid causing further damage. If you neglect rehabilitation exercises, you may worsen your condition and increase the risk of re-injury.

Lateral ankle sprains can cause significant discomfort and interfere with your daily routine activities. Ignoring them can turn into a chronic condition and result in permanent damage. It’s crucial to seek medical attention from experienced physiotherapists or chiropractors to diagnose and treat the condition. The RICE technique, proper footwear, bracing, and rehabilitation exercises can help prevent worsening and aid in proper recovery. If you are experiencing ankle pain, don’t hesitate to contact trained professionals to help you recover.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Nitin Nair, BPT, R/TRO DIP, PT, or another Kitchener physiotherapist at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Nitin Nair, BPT, R/TRO DIP, PT

Nitin Nair, BPT, R/TRO DIP, PT

Nitin is an internationally trained physiotherapist and has been practicing in Canada since 2015. After graduating in 2009, Nitin started as a physiotherapist in a cardiothoracic and vascular surgery team under the guidance of an eminent cardiac surgeon. His interest and passion in the field of sports and musculoskeletal rehabilitation made him switch from acute care to a musculoskeletal rehabilitation setting. Nitin blends various hands-on physiotherapy techniques with therapeutic exercises to achieve his client’s goals. He is certified in the McKenzie method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT): Lumbar spine, Mulligan concepts and personalized blood flow restriction rehabilitation (PBFR). His clients vary from weekend warriors to elite athletes. He is a huge advocate of the ‘Looking beyond the pain’ model to provide clients with the best care possible. Exercises and activity modification are always important components of his treatment plans to empower clients to reach their health goals.

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