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How Do You Fix Neck Strains?

How Do You Fix Neck Strains?

Neck strain is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the muscles in your neck become irritated or inflamed due to poor posture, repetitive movements or an injury. The symptoms of neck strain include pain, stiffness and limited range of motion. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you might be wondering how to fix neck strain. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips from a physiotherapist and chiropractor on how to relieve neck strain and prevent it from recurring.

Stretching Exercises

One of the most effective ways to fix neck strain is through stretching exercises. A physiotherapist can recommend specific stretches that target the muscles in your neck and alleviate tension. Some common stretches include tilting your head forward and backward, side-to-side, and rotating your head in circles.

Heat Therapy

Another way to relieve neck strain is through heat therapy. Applying heat to your neck can help improve blood flow and reduce muscle spasms. A chiropractor may recommend using a heating pad or taking a hot shower to help relax your muscles.

Posture Correction

Poor posture is one of the leading causes of neck strain. Sitting or standing with your head forward and shoulders rounded can put undue stress on your neck muscles. A physiotherapist can show you how to sit or stand with proper posture to help prevent future episodes of neck strain.


Massage therapy can also be helpful for fixing neck strain by reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation. A chiropractor may use hands-on techniques such as deep tissue massage or trigger point therapy to relieve soreness in your neck muscles.


If you’re experiencing chronic or severe neck pain, physiotherapy may be necessary to help fix the problem. A physiotherapist can develop a customized treatment plan that includes exercises, stretches, and other therapies to help you recover from neck strain and prevent it from recurring.

Neck strain can be a frustrating and painful condition, but there are many ways to fix it. By working with a physiotherapist or chiropractor, you can develop a personalized treatment plan that includes stretching exercises, heat therapy, posture correction, massage, and physiotherapy as needed. With the right approach, you can relieve your neck pain and improve your overall quality of life. Don’t wait to seek treatment if you’re experiencing neck strain – schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional today.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Sakshi Rupani, BPT, PT, or another Kitchener physiotherapy practitioner at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Sakshi Rupani, BPT, PT

Sakshi Rupani, BPT, PT

Sakshi Rupani is an experienced, highly skilled, and compassionate Registered Physiotherapist. Her motivation for choosing physiotherapy as her profession is deeply rooted in her desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives. Witnessing her patients achieve improved health, happiness, and the ability to live life to the fullest brings her genuine fulfillment. Her expertise spans a wide spectrum of rehabilitation, encompassing acute and chronic injuries, post-surgical rehab, neurological conditions, pediatrics, etc. Sakshi has undergone extensive training, completing courses in dry needling, and pelvic floor therapy, allowing her to treat a diverse range of conditions.

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