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How Do You Fix Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

How Do You Fix Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder that affects millions of people worldwide with symptoms ranging from tingling and numbness to severe pain in the hand and wrist area. Repetitive movements such as typing, writing and operating machinery are the primary causes of carpal tunnel. Though it is a common ailment it should not be ignored. In this blog post, we discuss two effective treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome – physiotherapy and chiropractic care.


Physiotherapy is a non-invasive and cost-effective treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. It focuses on strengthening and stretching the muscles and tendons in the wrist, hand and arm. Physiotherapists use various techniques to target specific areas that cause carpal tunnel syndrome. These may include ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation, and massage. They also suggest exercises for the patient to do at home, which helps to speed up the healing process.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is another natural and non-surgical option to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. A chiropractor uses hand-on techniques to treat carpal tunnel syndrome, such as spinal adjustments, massage, and stretching. These techniques aim to improve joint mobility and reduce inflammation that causes carpal tunnel syndrome. A chiropractor might also suggest lifestyle changes that can aid in the management of the condition.

The Combination of Physiotherapy and Chiropractic Care

The combination of both physiotherapy and chiropractic care can be highly effective in treating carpal tunnel syndrome. The benefits of combining these two treatments are that it targets the muscles and tendons in the wrist, hand, and arm, as well as offers spinal adjustments to optimize nerve flow to the hands. Additionally, the two treatments eliminate the symptoms quickly, providing relief from pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and wrist.

Prevention Techniques

Preventing carpal tunnel syndrome is better than treating it. There are many ways to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, which include regular stretching exercises, taking breaks when doing repetitive tasks, and using ergonomic devices. Ergonomic devices can help to reduce pressure and stress while working and ease the burden on the hands and wrist.


When the symptoms are severe, and they aren’t managed by any of the other treatments, the last resort is surgery. Carpal tunnel surgery is a quick and easy outpatient procedure offered when other treatments have failed to improve the condition. However, it is essential to use surgery as a last resort, as complications can arise.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common ailment, but it shouldn’t be ignored. The disorder can be managed using non-invasive techniques such as physiotherapy or chiropractic care. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. It’s better to prevent this condition by frequent stretching exercises, taking breaks when doing repetitive tasks, and using ergonomic devices. By implementing these preventative measures, treating carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms with the help of physiotherapy or chiropractic care becomes more manageable. Seek help from a chiropractor or physiotherapist if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above to get relief from carpal tunnel syndrome.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC or another Kitchener chiropractor at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC

Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC

Chiropractor, Clinic Director
Dr. Tyler Baron is a Chiropractic Doctor at CARESPACE Health+Wellness in Waterloo, Ontario. Dr. Baron takes a functional approach to care, utilizing his background in kinesiology, and advanced knowledge of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS), and Athletic Movement Assessment (AMA). He has also received certifications in advanced manual techniques including Contemporary Medical Acupuncture and Active Release Therapy (ART).

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