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Foods You Should Eat with Lumbar Facet Joint Arthrosis

Foods You Should Eat with Lumbar Facet Joint Arthrosis

If you suffer from lumbar facet joint arthrosis, you know how limiting it can be on your daily life. While there are many different medical interventions to help alleviate joint pain, there are also dietary changes you can make to help reduce inflammation and manage pain. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best foods to add to your diet to help with lumbar facet joint arthrosis. We’ll also touch on some other tools and therapies that can help manage pain and improve quality of life, such as dietitian and naturopathic doctor care, physiotherapy, and chiropractic care.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

One of the most beneficial foods you can eat for lumbar facet joint arthrosis is anything rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to help reduce inflammation. Good sources of omega-3s include salmon, sardines, chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can help reduce inflammation and soothe joint pain.


Ginger is another potent anti-inflammatory food that can help alleviate lumbar facet joint arthrosis pain. It contains compounds called gingerols that have been shown to reduce inflammation and decrease pain levels. You can incorporate ginger into your diet by adding it to smoothies, teas, or using it in cooking. Ginger supplements are also available.


Turmeric is a spice commonly used in Indian cuisine that has potent anti-inflammatory properties as well. It contains a compound called curcumin that has been shown to inhibit the activity of inflammatory molecules in the body. You can add turmeric to your diet by using it in cooking or taking a curcumin supplement.

Leafy Greens

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collard greens are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that help reduce inflammation and boost overall health. They are also high in vitamin K, which helps support bone health.


Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that can help reduce inflammation and protect against chronic diseases. They are also a good source of vitamin C, which can help support collagen production and improve joint health.

Other Tools and Therapies

In addition to dietary changes, there are many other tools and therapies that can help manage lumbar facet joint arthrosis pain and improve quality of life. Working with a dietitian and naturopathic doctor can be beneficial in developing a personalized plan to address your specific needs. Physiotherapy can also help alleviate pain and improve mobility and function. Chiropractic care can help reduce joint pain and stiffness and improve range of motion.

Lumbar facet joint arthrosis can be a challenging condition to manage, but by making dietary changes and incorporating other tools and therapies such as visiting a dietitian and naturopathic doctor, physical therapy, and chiropractic care, you may be able to reduce pain and improve quality of life. By eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, ginger, turmeric, leafy greens, and berries, you can help reduce inflammation and soothe joint pain. These changes, along with other therapies, can help you feel better and stay active.

If you have any questions or would like to explore naturopathic medicine further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Dr. Michael Torreiter, ND, CFMP, or another Waterloo Naturopathic Doctor at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Michael Torreiter, ND, CFMP

Michael Torreiter, ND, CFMP

Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Michael Torreiter is a Naturopathic Doctor at CARESPACE. He obtained his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine designation at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto in 2005, worked at Healing Path for 13 years, and moved to CARESPACE in 2019. About half of Dr. Michael’s practice is focused on Precision Nutrition — a comprehensive weight management and lifestyle program that helps people lose weight, gain weight or just improve their diet. In addition, he treats a variety of conditions including digestive concerns, stress and anxiety, hormonal imbalance and men’s health. As well as being certified in Precision Nutrition, Dr. Michael has completed a Mind/Body Medicine Certification from Harvard Medical School and a certificate in Applied Mindfulness Meditation at the University of Toronto. He offers nutrition talks at the Running Room on a regular basis.

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