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Foods to Avoid with Calf Strains

foods to avoid with calf strains

Calf strains are a common injury for both athletes and non-athletes. It happens when the muscle fibers of the calf are overstretched or torn, caused by sudden movements, too much weight, or overuse. While treatment usually includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), your diet also plays a significant role in how quickly your muscles heal. A dietitian or naturopathic doctor can help quicken the recovery of your calf strains through food, while physiotherapists or chiropractic doctors can help with the manual healing process. In this blog post, we will discuss the foods you need to avoid when dealing with calf strains.

Sodium-rich Foods: One food that you need to avoid when dealing with calf strains is sodium-rich foods. According to experts, a high-sodium diet can cause inflammation, which can increase the swelling in your calf muscles and delay the healing process. Experts recommend reducing your sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams per day.

Caffeine: Another food that is important to avoid when you have calf strains is caffeine. This can be challenging, especially if you are used to drinking several cups of coffee a day. Caffeine is a diuretic, which can lead to dehydration and cause muscle cramps and spasms. Experts recommend reducing your caffeine intake or switching to decaf coffee, tea, or other alternatives like water or natural juices.

Alcoholic Beverages: Although it can be tempting to drink your worries away, consuming alcoholic beverages will only worsen your calf strain. Alcohol acts as a diuretic as well, leading to dehydration and slower healing time. Also, alcohol can increase pain sensation and swelling in your injured muscles. Stick to water or electrolyte drinks to keep your body well-hydrated and to speed up the healing process.

Fried and Junk Foods: Foods high in fat and oil should be avoided if you have calf strains. These foods lack nutrients that are essential for muscle repair and can also cause inflammation and swelling in your muscles. Instead, choose healthier food options like lean meats, vegetables, and fruits, which are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals to promote speedy recovery.

Processed Sugars: Lastly, foods that contain processed sugars should also be avoided when you have calf strains. This includes candies, cakes, cookies, and other sugary snacks, which can cause blood sugar spikes leading to inflammation. These foods also lack essential nutrients that can speed up the healing process. Instead, opt-in for natural sugar options like honey, maple syrup or fresh fruits like strawberries and blueberries.

In summary, minimizing the consumption of the above foods can lead to a faster healing process and enhance overall recovery from calf strains. A well-rounded diet that is rich in fiber, essential vitamins, and minerals will provide your body with the necessary protein and nutrients to repair damaged muscles. Alongside proper medical care and rest, staying true to a healthy diet will positively impact your healing journey!

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Bhavin Mistry, BASc, MAN, RD or another Kitchener dietitian at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Bhavin Mistry, BASc, MAN, RD

Bhavin Mistry, BASc, MAN, RD

What does food mean to you? A question that has many complexities and layers to it. When you work with Bhavin, he will take all factors into account when it comes to nutrition, food, and your health. Areas of health and nutrition that he specializes include: men’s health & wellness, chronic disease management, and pediatric/family nutrition. Bhavin holds a Master of Applied Nutrition degree from the University of Guelph where he also completed his dietetic practical training. Prior to this, Bhavin completed two Bachelor of Applied Science degrees: the first majoring in Child, Youth & Family from the University of Guelph and the second majoring in Nutrition & Food from Toronto Metropolitan University. Bhavin is passionate about providing the most current evidence-based nutrition recommendations to his clients. He ensures that he supports his clients in building plans that are sustainable, realistic, and individualized. Bhavin wholeheartedly believes in the importance of tailoring nutrition care plans and interventions to a client’s cultural background while also considering the social determinants of health. Ultimately, Bhavin will work WITH you to reach your health goals while also supporting you in fostering a positive and healthy relationship with your body and with food!

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