Maia Conley
CARESPACE - Central Reception
- 8AM-8PM Monday – Friday
- 8AM-6PM Saturday – Sunday
Please call (519) 208-2273 or book online today.
About Maia
Maia recently finished her undergraduate program at the University of Waterloo, majoring in
sociology and minoring in legal studies. In the fall of 2024, she will be attending Conestoga
College to receive her HR certification through the Human Resources Management program.
Maia thrives in an environment where she can closely work with others and build connections
with either clients or practitioners, as her ideal work environment is to help people in whatever
way she can. Alongside with making incredible connections with others, the most rewarding
aspect of being a receptionist at Carespace is that she can connect clients to practitioners who
can help them reach their health goals.
During her free time, Maia spends time riding her horse and preparing for show season this
summer. Horseback riding has been a passion of hers since she was seven years old. She also
enjoys going on hikes with friends and family which she believes benefits her mental well-being.
Maia believes participating in activities or sports you enjoy promotes mental wellness as she is a
strong advocator for accessible mental health services.