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The 10 Best Ways to Treat Shoulder Bursitis

the 10 best ways to treat shoulder bursitis

Shoulder bursitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that cushions the joints. Here are ten potential ways to treat shoulder bursitis:

1. Rest and activity modification: Avoid activities that exacerbate the pain and inflammation, and give your shoulder adequate rest to promote healing.

2. Cold and heat: Apply ice packs to the affected area for 15-20 minutes several times a day during the acute phase to reduce pain and swelling. Once the acute phase has passed, switch to heat, such as warm compresses or a heating pad, to promote blood circulation and relax the muscles.

3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or naproxen can help reduce pain and inflammation. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any medication.

4. Physiotherapy: A physiotherapist can provide exercises and techniques to improve shoulder strength, flexibility, and range of motion. They may also incorporate modalities like ultrasound or electrical stimulation to aid in recovery.

5. Chiropractic care: Chiropractic adjustments may help relieve shoulder pain associated with bursitis. A chiropractor can perform manual manipulations and suggest exercises to improve joint function.

6. Massage: Massage therapy techniques, such as Swedish or deep tissue massage, may help reduce muscle tension, promote circulation, and alleviate pain. Ensure that you work with a registered massage therapist (RMT) experienced in treating shoulder bursitis.

7. Corticosteroid injections: In some cases, a healthcare professional may recommend injecting a corticosteroid medication directly into the bursa to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. This is typically done under ultrasound guidance.

8. Joint aspiration: If the bursa is significantly swollen, your healthcare professional may perform a joint aspiration to remove excess fluid and alleviate pressure. This procedure can provide immediate relief.

9. Posture correction: Poor posture can contribute to shoulder bursitis. Engage in exercises and stretches that promote proper posture, and be mindful of your alignment throughout the day.

10. Assistive devices: In certain cases, using supportive devices like slings, braces, or shoulder immobilizers may help reduce stress on the shoulder joint and promote healing.

Remember, these are general suggestions, and the most appropriate treatment will depend on the severity of your condition and the advice of your healthcare provider. It’s always best to consult with a professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Shoulder bursitis can be a very painful and debilitating condition. However, there are several effective treatment options available, ranging from rest and ice to surgery. If you are experiencing shoulder pain or discomfort, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan. With the right treatment, most patients with shoulder bursitis can fully recover and regain their quality of life.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC or another Kitchener chiropractor at CARESPACE.We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Read More About Shoulder Bursitis

How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Shoulder Bursitis
How Physiotherapy Can Help Treat Shoulder Bursitis
Massage Therapy’s Role in Treating Shoulder Bursitis

Picture of Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC

Dr. Tyler Baron, BASc, DC

Chiropractor, Clinic Director
Dr. Tyler Baron is a Chiropractic Doctor at CARESPACE Health+Wellness in Waterloo, Ontario. Dr. Baron takes a functional approach to care, utilizing his background in kinesiology, and advanced knowledge of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS), and Athletic Movement Assessment (AMA). He has also received certifications in advanced manual techniques including Contemporary Medical Acupuncture and Active Release Therapy (ART).

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