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Is it OK to Push Through Rib Strains?

Is it OK to Push Through Rib Strains?

Rib strains are painfully uncomfortable injuries that can result from various strains or sprains. They are easily confused with regular muscle spasms or a sore back but if left untreated, they can lead to serious symptoms like difficulty breathing. Many individuals may wonder whether it is safe to push through rib strain and how to manage the condition without exacerbating the injury. In this post, we’ve enlisted the advice of chiropractors and physiotherapists to help you understand more about this injury’s nature, its treatment, and whether it’s safe to push through it.

What is Rib Strain?

A rib strain injury occurs when one or more of the intercostal muscles, tendons, or ligaments become stretched or torn. This injury often happens due to sudden trauma, like a sports-related accident, car collisions, or hard coughing. The severity of the pain can be mild to severe, depending on the intensity of the injury. Rib strains typically recover within two to six weeks, depending on the level of severity and the treatment management protocol used.

Is it Safe to Push Through Rib Strain?

It is never safe to push through rib strain despite the severity level. It would be best to avoid any physical activity that may put a strain or undue pressure on the chest or rib area. Pushing through the pain may lead to more damage, slow down the healing process, or even cause fractured ribs. Engaging in physical activity that may cause further pain is a recipe for disaster and prolonged pain.

Where to Seek Treatment for Rib Strain?

Rib strains are an injury that can be treated by chiropractors and physiotherapists. The first step to achieving a treatment plan is getting a proper diagnosis from these healthcare professionals. They have the experience and knowledge to help detect the injury’s current state and select the best way to treat it. With a personalized plan that fits your specific needs, you can avoid the danger of causing further pain and have the best chance of healing quickly.

Rib Strain Treatment Management Protocol

When it comes to treating rib strain, patients are advised to avoid excessive movement and repetitive exercises, especially those that require chest expansion or deep breathing. Instead, they should try to use heat therapy, cold compresses, or physiotherapy to help manage the pain and assist with the healing process. A professional chiropractor or physiotherapist may recommend an appropriate treatment management protocol that includes rest, pain control, breathing exercises, specific therapeutic exercises, and manual therapy techniques like spinal mobilizations and manipulations.

Rib strains can cause severe discomfort and hamper a person’s ability to perform daily tasks. It is essential to understand the injury’s severity level and never push through the pain. Seeking treatment from chiropractors and physiotherapists can help avoid further damage and expedite the healing process. They can create a personalized treatment management protocol that fits

your specific needs and assists with the pain and inflammation relief. Rest, patient education, and following a proper treatment protocol are crucial for the safe and efficient treatment of rib strains.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Nitin Nair, BPT, R/TRO DIP, PT, or another Kitchener physiotherapist at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Nitin Nair, BPT, R/TRO DIP, PT

Nitin Nair, BPT, R/TRO DIP, PT

Nitin is an internationally trained physiotherapist and has been practicing in Canada since 2015. After graduating in 2009, Nitin started as a physiotherapist in a cardiothoracic and vascular surgery team under the guidance of an eminent cardiac surgeon. His interest and passion in the field of sports and musculoskeletal rehabilitation made him switch from acute care to a musculoskeletal rehabilitation setting. Nitin blends various hands-on physiotherapy techniques with therapeutic exercises to achieve his client’s goals. He is certified in the McKenzie method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT): Lumbar spine, Mulligan concepts and personalized blood flow restriction rehabilitation (PBFR). His clients vary from weekend warriors to elite athletes. He is a huge advocate of the ‘Looking beyond the pain’ model to provide clients with the best care possible. Exercises and activity modification are always important components of his treatment plans to empower clients to reach their health goals.

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