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Foods to Avoid with Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

foods to avoid with cubital tunnel syndrome

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome occurs when there is pressure or stretching of the ulnar nerve, which travels from the neck to the hand, passing through the cubital tunnel in the elbow. This condition can lead to numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand, particularly the pinky and ring fingers. While there are various treatment options available, including physiotherapy and chiropractic care, avoiding certain foods may also help ease the symptoms. A dietitian or naturopath will be able to help you make the right food choices in order to speed up your recovery. In this article, we will discuss some of the foods that you should avoid if you have Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.

Processed Foods – Processed foods are foods that have been altered from their original state and may contain additives and chemicals that can worsen inflammation in the body. Foods that fall under this category include fast food, packaged snacks such as chips or candy, and frozen dinners. Instead, opt for whole foods such as lean meat, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, which are anti-inflammatory.

Caffeine – Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause nerves to become more sensitive, leading to increased pain and tingling. This includes coffee, tea, chocolate and soda. Try to limit your caffeine intake or switch to decaffeinated versions instead.

Sugar – Excess sugar can worsen inflammation in the body, leading to pain and discomfort. This includes sugar-sweetened drinks, candy, and baked goods. Instead, try to satisfy your sweet tooth with natural alternatives such as fruits or yogurt.

Dairy – Some people with Cubital Tunnel Syndrome may be sensitive to dairy products, specifically casein which is a type of protein found in dairy. This can lead to increased inflammation and pain. While not everyone with the condition will have this sensitivity, it’s worth experimenting with a vegan or dairy-free diet to see if it helps alleviate your symptoms.

Alcohol – Alcohol is known to worsen inflammation in the body, making it a good idea to limit your intake if you have Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. It’s best to avoid alcohol altogether until your symptoms improve.

While the diet and nutrition component of managing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome may not be the most apparent part of treatment, it can make a real difference. Avoiding certain foods that cause inflammation can have a positive effect on easing the symptoms of the condition, leading to an improved quality of life. If you have any further questions about what foods can help or hurt your condition, it’s always best to consult with a registered dietitian or naturopathic doctor who can guide you in navigating a healthy and balanced diet.

If you have any questions or would like to explore naturopathic medicine further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Dr. Michael Torreiter, ND, CFMP, or another Waterloo Naturopath at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Michael Torreiter, ND, CFMP

Michael Torreiter, ND, CFMP

Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Michael Torreiter is a Naturopathic Doctor at CARESPACE. He obtained his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine designation at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto in 2005, worked at Healing Path for 13 years, and moved to CARESPACE in 2019. About half of Dr. Michael’s practice is focused on Precision Nutrition — a comprehensive weight management and lifestyle program that helps people lose weight, gain weight or just improve their diet. In addition, he treats a variety of conditions including digestive concerns, stress and anxiety, hormonal imbalance and men’s health. As well as being certified in Precision Nutrition, Dr. Michael has completed a Mind/Body Medicine Certification from Harvard Medical School and a certificate in Applied Mindfulness Meditation at the University of Toronto. He offers nutrition talks at the Running Room on a regular basis.

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