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DeQuervain’s Syndrome Treatment Options: Which is Best?

DeQuervain's Syndrome Treatment Options: Which is Best?

If you are experiencing pain and tenderness near your wrist and thumb, you may be suffering from DeQuervain’s Syndrome. This condition is caused by inflammation of the tendons that control the movement of the thumb. It can be caused by repetitive movements or strain, and it can be extremely painful. The good news is that there are treatment options available to relieve your symptoms and help get you back to your daily activities. In this blog, we’ll explore the best treatment options for DeQuervain’s Syndrome and help you decide which one is best for you.

How to Treat DeQuervain’s Syndrome

DeQuervain’s Syndrome can be a painful condition that affects the wrist and thumb areas. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to help manage the symptoms of this condition. One effective treatment option is visiting a chiropractor, who can help realign the affected joints in the hand and wrist. Massage can also be beneficial in reducing inflammation and improving circulation to the area. Lastly, physiotherapy can help individuals with DeQuervain’s Syndrome strengthen the affected muscles and improve their range of motion. It is important to seek professional medical advice and treatment to effectively manage this condition and alleviate any discomfort.

How to Relieve Pain From DeQuervain’s Syndrome

DeQuervain’s syndrome is a painful condition that affects the tendons in the wrist. While it can be a frustrating and debilitating condition, there are several effective pain relief options available. Chiropractic doctors, registered massage therapists (RMT), and physiotherapists are all trained to assist those experiencing wrist pain and can offer targeted care and treatments to help alleviate discomfort. Depending on the individual and severity of the condition, treatments may include adjustments, exercises, and modalities like ultrasound or laser treatment. By working with a trained healthcare professional and implementing a personalized treatment plan, those with DeQuervain’s syndrome can experience much-needed relief from pain and get back to enjoying their daily activities.

Who Should I See For DeQuervain’s Syndrome

DeQuervain’s syndrome, also known as “mother’s thumb,” can be a painful and frustrating condition to deal with. If you’re experiencing symptoms like pain or swelling at the base of your thumb, you may be wondering who to turn to for treatment. While chiropractors, RMTs, and physiotherapists can all offer relief, it’s important to choose a practitioner who specializes in the musculoskeletal system. A physiotherapist may be your best bet as they have extensive knowledge and training in treating this type of condition. Additionally, they can offer exercises and stretches to help prevent further injury. Whatever you do don’t let DeQuervain’s syndrome control your life – seek help from a qualified professional today.

Top 5 Tips to Relieve Pain From DeQuervain’s Syndrome

DeQuervain’s Syndrome is a painful condition that affects the tendons in the wrist and thumb. Those who suffer from this ailment may experience pain from simple everyday tasks such as gripping objects or turning a doorknob. Fortunately, there are ways to relieve the pain associated with DeQuervain’s Syndrome. Chiropractors can help to reduce inflammation and provide adjustments to alleviate pressure on the affected area. Massage can also be beneficial in reducing tension and promoting blood flow. Additionally, physiotherapy may help to strengthen the muscles around the affected area to lessen the impact of the condition. By combining these approaches with proper rest and care, those with DeQuervain’s Syndrome can find relief from their painful symptoms.

10 Best Ways to Treat DeQuervain’s Syndrome

De Quervain’s syndrome, also known as DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis, is a condition characterized by inflammation of the tendons in the thumb and wrist. Here are ten effective ways to treat DeQuervain’s syndrome:
1. Rest and immobilization: Resting the affected hand and avoiding activities that exacerbate the pain can help reduce inflammation and promote healing. Immobilizing the thumb and wrist with a splint or brace may also be beneficial.
2. Ice: Applying ice packs or cold compresses to the affected area can help reduce pain and inflammation. Use ice for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours.
3. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Over-the-counter NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. However, consult a healthcare professional before taking any medication.
4. Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy is a good option for treatment of DeQuervain’s syndrome. A physiotherapist can provide specific exercises and stretches that target the affected tendons, improve range of motion, and strengthen the surrounding muscles.
5. Chiropractic care: Chiropractors can offer treatments such as joint mobilization, soft tissue manipulation, and adjustments to help reduce pain and improve joint function. They may also provide exercises and lifestyle recommendations for managing symptoms.
6. Occupational treatment: An occupational professional can provide guidance on modifying daily activities to reduce strain on the thumb and wrist. They can also recommend adaptive equipment or techniques to minimize discomfort and maximize function.
7. Massage: Massage can help reduce muscle tension and improve blood circulation in the affected area. It may also promote relaxation and alleviate pain associated with DeQuervain’s syndrome.
8. Ultrasound treatment: Ultrasound uses sound waves to provide deep heat to the affected area, promoting circulation and reducing inflammation. It can be beneficial in managing pain and facilitating healing.
9. Steroid injections: In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be recommended to reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms. These injections are typically administered by a healthcare professional.
10. Ergonomic modifications: Making ergonomic adjustments to your work or daily environment can help reduce strain on the thumb and wrist. This may involve using ergonomic tools, adjusting desk height, or maintaining proper posture.

Remember, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or specialist for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan for DeQuervain’s syndrome. They can provide specific guidance based on the severity of your condition and your individual needs.

DeQuervain’s Syndrome can be a painful and disruptive condition, but there are treatment options available to relieve your symptoms. Rest and ice, splints or braces, physiotherapy, corticosteroid injections, and surgery are all effective treatments, depending on the severity of your condition. Working closely with your doctor and following a treatment plan can help you recover from DeQuervain’s Syndrome and get back to your daily activities. If you are experiencing symptoms of DeQuervain’s Syndrome, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your options and find the best treatment for you.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Sam Heslip, RMT, or another Kitchener RMT at CARESPACE.We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Sam Heslip, BSc (Hons), RMT

Sam Heslip, BSc (Hons), RMT

Massage Therapist
Sam completed an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Kinetics from the University of Guelph before furthering his knowledge of the human body at Mohawk College where he graduated from the Massage program. Sam is trained in a variety of massage techniques including general Swedish massage, joint mobilizations, and myofascial release. Sam strives to help people reach their health goals. Whether you are recovering from injury, dealing with stress, pain or discomfort, Sam will get you back to feeling your best.

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