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Best Ways to Treat Knee Bursitis?

Best Ways to Treat Knee Bursitis?

Knee bursitis is a condition that can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. It occurs when the bursae, which are small fluid-filled sacs that cushion and lubricate the knee joint become inflamed. This can happen as a result of overuse, injury or infection. If you are suffering from knee bursitis you may be wondering what the best way to treat it is. In this blog post, we will discuss the most effective treatments for knee bursitis.

Rest and Ice

One of the best ways to treat knee bursitis is to rest and ice the affected area. This will help to reduce inflammation and provide relief from pain. You should avoid any activities that aggravate your symptoms and try to keep your knee elevated as much as possible. Applying ice to the knee for 15-20 minutes at a time several times a day can also help to reduce swelling and inflammation.


Physiotherapy can be very effective in treating knee bursitis. Your physiotherapist will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. This may include exercises to improve strength and flexibility as well as manual therapy such as massage and stretching. Your physiotherapist may also use modalities such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation to help reduce pain and swelling.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic treatment can also be very beneficial in treating knee bursitis. A chiropractic doctor will use manual therapy to help reduce inflammation and improve function. This may include techniques such as joint manipulation, mobilization and soft tissue therapy. A chiropractic doctor can also provide advice on exercises and lifestyle modifications that can help to prevent further injury.


In some cases, medications may be required to help manage knee bursitis. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be very effective in reducing pain and inflammation. Your doctor may also prescribe corticosteroids which are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that can be injected directly into the affected joint. However it is important to note that these medications can have side effects and should only be used under the guidance of a medical professional.


In rare cases surgery may be required to treat knee bursitis. This may be necessary if the bursitis is caused by an infection that is not responding to other treatments. Surgery involves removing the inflamed bursa and may also involve cleaning the joint and repairing any damage that may have occurred.

If you are suffering from knee bursitis, there are a number of effective treatments available. Rest and ice can be very helpful in reducing inflammation and providing pain relief. Physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment can also be very effective in improving function and reducing symptoms. Medications and surgery may also be necessary in some cases. If you are experiencing symptoms of knee bursitis it is important to seek medical attention to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Nitin Nair, BPT, R/TRO DIP, PT, or another Kitchener physiotherapy  practitioner at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Picture of Nitin Nair, BPT, R/TRO DIP, PT

Nitin Nair, BPT, R/TRO DIP, PT

Nitin is an internationally trained physiotherapist and has been practicing in Canada since 2015. After graduating in 2009, Nitin started as a physiotherapist in a cardiothoracic and vascular surgery team under the guidance of an eminent cardiac surgeon. His interest and passion in the field of sports and musculoskeletal rehabilitation made him switch from acute care to a musculoskeletal rehabilitation setting. Nitin blends various hands-on physiotherapy techniques with therapeutic exercises to achieve his client’s goals. He is certified in the McKenzie method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT): Lumbar spine, Mulligan concepts and personalized blood flow restriction rehabilitation (PBFR). His clients vary from weekend warriors to elite athletes. He is a huge advocate of the ‘Looking beyond the pain’ model to provide clients with the best care possible. Exercises and activity modification are always important components of his treatment plans to empower clients to reach their health goals.

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