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7 Tips to Manage Low Appetite

7 Tips to Manage Low Appetite

Struggling to get enough in? A low appetite is when you don’t feel hungry or want to eat. It can happen for many reasons, including changes in physical wellness, mental wellness, or stress levels. Low appetite can lead to not eating enough. Continuous under−fuelling can cause loss of strength, muscle and/or weight.

Here’s 7 tips to help manage feelings of low appetite, boost your mood and energy, and bring your hunger back:

  • Eat and drink often. Focus on small meals as often as you are able. Every bite counts! Don’t wait until you feel hungry to eat. Set yourself reminders if needed.
  • Eat more when you feel hungry. What time of day do you have the best appetite? Take advantage of getting nourishment in when you feel at your best.
  • Drink when you can’t eat. High calorie drinks can supplement meals when you don’t feel like eating.
  • Ask for help. Eating with other people may help you want to eat. Getting help with cooking and shopping can help to save energy and preserve your appetite.
  • Boost your hunger with gentle movement. Moving your body can stimulate hunger. Find types of movement that you enjoy and want to do.
  • Build a consistent meal routine. Eating at the same time each day can help to stimulate hunger.
  • Utilize mealtime distractions. Listening to a podcast, talking with friends, watching TV, or scrolling through your phone can help remove focus from the meal and may allow you to eat more.

Managing feelings of low appetite is very individualized and involves identifying the root cause of these feelings.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Natalie Topp is a dietitian in Waterloo.

Picture of Natalie Topp, BScFN, MScFN, RD

Natalie Topp, BScFN, MScFN, RD

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