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Exploring the Benefits of EMDR for Treating Depression in Adults

emdr for treating depression in adults

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy that has been proven to be effective in helping adults cope with depression. This type of therapy helps to identify, process, and resolve unresolved issues and traumatic experiences that may be contributing to mental health issues such as depression. In this article, we will explore the benefits of EMDR for treating depression in adults.

What is EMDR?

EMDR is a type of therapy that uses eye movements, or other forms of bilateral stimulation (such as hand tapping), along with talk therapy techniques to help people better process their emotions and experiences. It was originally developed by psychologist Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s as a treatment for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Over time, it has been used to treat a variety of mental health issues including anxiety, depression, phobias, addictions, and more.

How Does it Work?

During an EMDR session with a qualified therapist, individuals are asked to focus on a particular trauma or experience while simultaneously engaging in some form of bilateral stimulation such as moving their eyes back and forth or tapping on both hands at the same time. This bilateral stimulation helps to activate different parts of the brain which allows individuals to better process emotions or memories related to the traumatic experience. As these memories are processed through this technique they become less distressing until eventually they no longer have any emotional charge at all.

How Can EMDR Help Adults With Depression?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) psychotherapy is often used to help alleviate symptoms of depression in adults. This form of counselling helps the therapist and client identify perceived triggers, negative thoughts, and self-defeating behaviors that might be causing the feelings of depression. During EMDR sessions, the psychotherapist will often guide clients through cognitive activities such as positive reframing or body scanning while they also perform rapid side-to-side eye movements. The intention of this combination is to help create a feeling of relaxation so that clients can access stored memories to process and release unwanted beliefs that can become distorted during difficult periods in life. EMDR psychotherapy has been proven very effective in helping adults suffering from depression increase their overall well-being in a safe environment with the guidance of a compassionate therapist.

Benefits of EMDR For Adults

One of the main benefits of using EMDR is its ability to reduce symptoms associated with depression quickly and effectively. Research has shown that EMDR can reduce symptoms of depression such as sadness, hopelessness, lack of motivation, fatigue, low self-esteem, difficulty concentrating, and sleeping problems within just 12 sessions or fewer. Additionally, EMDR can help people gain insight into the root cause(s) of their depression so they can take steps toward healing and recovery. By helping individuals process their traumatic experiences and resolving them in a safe environment, individuals are then able to move forward with their lives free from the weight of unresolved emotions or experiences from the past.

What Can An Adult With Depression Expect From EMDR?

EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing psychotherapy is an advantageous form of counselling for adults experiencing depression. This psychotherapeutic technique is based on the idea that negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are influenced by past experiences and can be mitigated when activated memories are confronted in a safe environment with the assistance of a qualified counsellor. Adults with depression can expect their therapist to use EMDR as part of their treatment plan to reduce distress, move beyond traumatic memories, and overhaul problematic beliefs associated with difficult life events. With the help of EMDR psychotherapy, it is possible for any adult struggling with depression to gradually regain coping skills and reconnect with their inherent resilience.

How Long Will EMDR Take To Work For An Adult Suffering/Dealing With Depression?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) psychotherapy has become a well-established treatment for adults dealing with depression. EMDR is based on the idea that negative experiences create blockages that lead to destructive behaviours, emotions, and beliefs about oneself. By working with a trusted counselor, those affected can employ specialized techniques of EMDR to recognize and rewrite these distorted patterns of thought. The exact timeline for successful EMDR healing will vary depending on each individual’s experience; however, as research suggests this form of psychotherapy is generally preferred to alternative counselling methods due to its efficient results. With frequent contact with one’s psychotherapist and the application of guided techniques, EMDR should be able to produce noticeable effects on one’s mental health over the course of several months.

How Do I Know If EMDR Is The Right Treatment For An Adult With Depression?

Seeking psychotherapy or counselling from a qualified therapist is the first step in determining if Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is the proper treatment for adult depression. A psychotherapist versed in EMDR will be able to assess and discuss with an individual the potential benefits that could be obtained through this type of counseling and suggest a course of treatment. For individuals whose depression is related to trauma or unresolved issues, psychodynamic psychotherapy or EMDR may be recommended by a therapist. Psychotherapists can also guide a person in better understanding how they can help themselves while they process their feelings and work on any symptoms associated with depression. With the necessary guidance and support, EMDR can help adults who are suffering from depression take back control over their lives.

In summary, EMDR is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy that has been proven effective for treating depression in adults. Through helpful techniques such as bilateral stimulation combined with talk therapy techniques, people can gain insight into their traumatic experiences which can lead them toward healing and recovery from depression faster than traditional talk therapy alone. If you are looking for an alternative approach to treating your depression then consider speaking with your healthcare provider about whether or not EMDR might be right for you.

If you have any questions or would like to explore further, please book a free, no-charge online appointment with either myself, Sarah Jackson, BBA, MACP, RP (Qualifying), or another Kitchener psychotherapist at CARESPACE. We are happy to listen and are here to help!

Sarah Jackson, BBA, MACP, RP (Qualifying)

Sarah Jackson, BBA, MACP, RP (Qualifying)

Sarah is a natural empathetic listener who focuses on the critical components of the therapeutic relationship by providing an unbiased and safe environment to explore your issues. Using techniques such as CBT and a strength-based focus, Sarah holds a collaborative client-centred approach to therapy where you are truly guided to be the expert in your journey and healing process. Sarah places the therapeutic alliance at the centre of her system and focuses on building and maintaining that relationship throughout the process. Sarah earned a master’s degree in counselling psychotherapy from Yorkville University, as well as a unique background in hospitality, real estate services and fashion, which have helped her realize her strengths in building relationships. Her passion for mental health and wellness emerged through her diverse life experiences and interest in helping others achieve their goals. Together, Sarah will work with you on approaches that let you deal with the underlying issues causing your problems and create deep relationships.

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