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Trapezius Strain Pain Relief

Trapezius strain is a common injury that often occurs as a result of muscle overuse in the upper back, shoulders and neck area. Whether it’s an injury from work, playing sports, keeping fit or just getting older, CARESPACE can help.

Call (519) 208-2273 or book online today.

The best treatment for trapezius strains in Kitchener Waterloo

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CARESPACE is less than 10-minutes away

Good news – if you’re looking for trapezius strain treatment near you and are in the Kitchener Waterloo area, there’s a CARESPACE multidisciplinary clinic less than 10-minutes away (book by selecting a discipline below). And even better, our evidence-based team is driven to get the results you want so you can be your best.

There are many causes of trapezius strains

Trapezius strains are commonly caused by repetitive activities such as working at a computer for long hours without proper ergonomic support or incorrect lifting techniques. Treatment for trapezius strain might include chiropractic adjustments, physiotherapy exercises to strengthen weak muscles, and massage to reduce muscle tension. Chiropractic care helps to improve joint motion and reduce pain while physiotherapy works on maintaining muscle flexibility and range of motion. Massage helps to release tension and knots in the affected muscles so that healing can occur naturally. Consultation with chiropractor, physiotherapist and an RMT can be beneficial for an individual suffering from trapezius strain.

Get the best treatment to help your trapezius strain

We all know that health and wellness is important, but with so many competing priorities, it’s hard to stay on top of it. CARESPACE provides the best treatment options to help heal your trapezius strain quickly. CARESPACE uses a result-oriented, natural approach to rehabilitation and wellness with your choice of Chiropractor, Massage and Physiotherapy. CARESPACE practitioners work together to understand both your primary concerns and long-term health goals. Multidisciplinary evidence-based plans are designed to address the root causes and are developed to provide fast and long-lasting relief to ensure you can start living your healthier life today.

What is a trapezius strain?

A trapezius strain is a common injury to the muscles of the upper back and neck. It generally causes pain and tightness that can affect day-to-day activities. The trapezius muscle originates at the base of the head, runs down your neck and back, and connects to the middle of your spine. Overuse or overstretching of this muscle can cause a strain, resulting in traumatic weakness of the affected area. Trapezius strains can be caused by poor posture at work, improper lifting technique, long periods of sitting or working with arms raised for extended time periods, or even sleeping in an awkward position.

What are the symptoms of a trapezius strain?

Common symptoms of a Trapezius strain include neck pain, shoulder discomfort, headaches, and radiating soreness from the shoulder up through the neck and base of the skull. Limited range of motion due to stiffness or tightness further demonstrates injury to this muscle group. In addition to localized pain, common physical signs that may indicate a traumatic event such as trauma or extreme activity can be seen such as bruising and swelling that occur at the site of injury.

What are the treatments for a trapezius strain?

A trapezius strain can be a painful and limiting injury, so it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are several excellent treatment options available. For example, chiropractic adjustments or physiotherapy done by a health practitioner or chiropractor may help alleviate the pain and allow your body to start healing safely and quickly. Massage is another great option that helps to relax tight muscles, restore proper mobility, and reduce inflammation. Additionally, home remedies such as applying heat or cold packs along with rest can also help reduce the pain associated with a strained trapezius muscle.

Get the trapezius strain treatment that's right for you

Choose Your Chiropractor

chiropractic services - Trapezius Strain Treatment
A chiropractor can help alleviate discomfort from a trapezius strain. Through spinal adjustments and soft tissue techniques, chiropractors can work to restore proper alignment, reduce inflammation and increase circulation to the affected area.

Choose Your RMT

massage therapy - Trapezius Strain Treatment

If you’re experiencing pain and discomfort in your trapezius muscle, massage may be able to provide some relief. By using specific techniques to loosen up the tight muscles and increase blood flow to the area an RMT can help ease tension and reduce pain.

Choose Your Physiotherapist

physiotherapy - Trapezius Strain Treatment
If you’re experiencing trapezius strain, physiotherapy can help you recover. Physiotherapy can alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and strengthen the muscles in your neck, shoulder and upper back. They will develop a personalized treatment plan that includes exercises, stretches, and manual techniques to help you recover quickly.

Not sure which discipline to select?

Chiropractic care, Massage and Physiotherapy can all be effective for trapezius strains. Choose any one of the above. Once the initial assessment has been completed, you will be directed to the discipline and practitioner who will be able to deliver the best results.

Still not sure? Simply give us a call at (519) 208-2273 and we will help find the right treatment for your needs.

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