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Adductor Tendinopathy Relief

Adductor tendinopathy is a condition that occurs when the long adductor muscle at the inner thigh becomes strained due to repetitive actions or overuse.

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The best treatment for adductor tendinopathy in Kitchener Waterloo

CARESPACE is less than 10-minutes away

Good news – if you’re looking for adductor tendinopathy treatment in the Kitchener Waterloo area, there’s a CARESPACE multidisciplinary clinic less than 10-minutes away (book by selecting a discipline below). And even better, our evidence-based team is driven to get the results you want so you can be your best. 

There are many causes of adductor tendinopathy

Common causes of adductor tendinopathy include excessive, repetitive movements such as those involved in sports or certain occupations; weak thigh and hip muscles; tightness of the adductor and iliopsoas muscles in the hip; poor posture; chiropractic restrictions or subluxations in the spine, hips, and pelvis; and even foot misalignment. Depending on each individual, treatment of adductor tendinopathy may include chiropractic adjustment to correct spinal restrictions, massage to reduce tension in the adductor muscles, and physiotherapy exercises to promote strength and flexibility. With a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to address any structural imbalances and underlying causes of pain, patients can effectively manage the symptoms of this condition.

Get the best treatment to help your adductor tendinopathy

We all know that health and wellness is important, but with so many competing priorities, it’s hard to stay on top of it. CARESPACE provides the best treatment options to help heal your adductor tendinopathy quickly. CARESPACE uses a result-oriented, natural approach to rehabilitation and wellness with your choice of Chiropractor, Massage and Physiotherapy. CARESPACE practitioners work together to understand both your primary concerns and long-term health goals. Multidisciplinary evidence-based plans are designed to address the root causes and are developed to provide fast and long-lasting relief to ensure you can start living your healthier life today.

What is adductor tendinopathy?

Adductor tendinopathy is a chronic and painful condition that affects the adductor muscles in the inner thigh. It can be caused by overuse, muscle imbalances, poor posture or improper movements. Common signs of adductor tendinopathy include pain in the inside of the thigh, weakness when attempting to contract the muscles, and a burning sensation during physical exertion or activities of daily living. Chiropractic care, Massage, and Physiotherapy exercises have been known to help manage symptoms of this condition.

What are the symptoms of adductor tendinopathy?

Adductor tendinopathy is a common sports injury caused by overuse of the thigh muscles, resulting in pain and inflammation around the groin area. Common symptoms include tenderness when applying pressure on the inner thighs, restricted range of motion due to pain, difficulty stretching or straightening legs, and difficulty walking or running with each step causing unbearable pain. Fortunately, chiropractic manipulation can reduce this strain and massage can improve movement at the joints. In severe cases, physiotherapy may be necessary to get full range of motion back in the hips and groins.

Get the adductor tendinopathy treatment that's right for you

Choose Your Chiropractor

chiropractic services - Adductor Tendinopathy Treatment
If you’re suffering from adductor tendinopathy chiropractic care can be an excellent resource. A chiropractor can help reduce inflammation and improve mobility in your adductor muscles through spinal manipulation and other non-invasive techniques.

Choose Your RMT

smiling massage therapist in their treatment room at carespace in kitchener waterloo

Massage can be an effective treatment for those suffering from adductor tendinopathy. By using hands-on techniques, massage can help reduce tension and improve blood flow to the affected area. Massage can also help aid with recovery by breaking up scar tissue and decreasing inflammation.

Choose Your Physiotherapist

physiotherapy - Adductor Tendinopathy Treatment
Adductor tendinopathy can be a frustrating and painful condition for anyone. Fortunately, physiotherapy can be a helpful approach to treating this issue. With a tailored treatment plan, a physiotherapist can help you build strength and flexibility in the affected area, reducing pain and improving overall function.

Not sure which discipline to select?

Chiropractic care, Massage and Physiotherapy can all be effective for your adductor tendinopathy. Choose any one of the above. Once the initial assessment has been completed, you will be directed to the discipline and practitioner who will be able to deliver the best results.

Still not sure? Simply give us a call at (519) 208-2273 and we will help find the right treatment for your needs.

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